Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So....NEWSFLASH! My friend, who has been married for 2 months, let me know today that she is PREGNANT! She is in Kansas with no job, a husband who's in the military and no money and they are having a child....and the thing she was most worried about was the weight she was going to gain! If it was me I'd be more upset about the whole baby shooting out of me thing and the no money to pay for the baby that will be shooting out of me thing..but maybe that's just me. So anyway...I feel like we have nothing in common is the girl that I went to high school with, went to college with, lived with for 2 years, cried on the shoulder on, and got drunk with many many times....and I don't even know here anymore. I feel like I lost my friend....and I don't know what to do about it. Not that I can do anything about it...I'm not much for kids, especially ones that are in diapers. I am...not married, with a job, no kid, and in North Dakota...and you know what...I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

MakeupReviews said...

Yah I would be scared of the whole baby shootin outta me thing too! Uh yikes. Doesn't really sound too responsible to have a child in that situation but you know not everyone is as smart as we are. LOL. Oh and a pickle roll is like a pickle covered in cream cheese, then wrapped in like thin lunch meat. Then you cut it so it is bit sized pieces. It is amazing! And yes to sushi, I think you might like it.