Thursday, November 6, 2008

First time is a charm!


So, after some prodding from Bridget, I decided to do one of these things. I did have one many years ago on, but I kinda lost track of we will see how far I make it on this one. I'm currently sitting at work, not doing a whole hell of a lot. I am planning on going to Bella's on my lunch break...not sure how good of an idea that is going to be but I have a hard time resisiting. I really think that store needs to get a credit card...then I'd have some fun! So I really wanna hang up my xmas decorations and our xmas tree...however, Anthony says that it is too So how early is too early for decorations? I think anytime in November is okay, but I've been told that you have to wait until after Thanksgiving...thoughts?

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